WASHINGTON D.C. This article was published on December 1st on POWER Magazine. To read this article, click here: Exploring Innovative Solutions for Nuclear Waste. The first two paragraphs of the article can be seen below.
Exploring Innovative Solutions for Nuclear Waste
Advanced nuclear energy can, and should, play a major role in meeting the societal goal of 100% clean energy by mid-century. Advanced nuclear energy would complement other energy sources like wind and solar, providing firm clean energy to supply electricity, industrial heat, hydrogen, and other important energy products. Deploying advanced nuclear energy as part of the climate solution, however, will also require managing wastes produced during operation.
While the total amount of waste from advanced nuclear energy will be very small relative to the total amount of energy produced, safe waste management is critical to protect public health as well as build public trust and social license for advanced nuclear energy. Increasing interest in innovative advanced nuclear technology as a climate solution has also renewed interest in developing innovative nuclear waste solutions, including methods to reduce waste volumes and radiotoxicity, and enable more effective disposal.
*To read the rest of this article, click on the link to POWER Magazine provided above.