WASHINGTON, D.C. Today the Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) is announcing our commitment to becoming a Gender Champion in Nuclear Policy. This network of leaders of over 70 organizations is dedicated to enhancing the presence, voice, and impact of women in the nuclear energy community through specific, public pledges and shared experiences. By being part of this initiative, the NIA has promised to implement the following commitments:
- Pay all NIA interns.
- Emphasize recruitment of women and minority student participants and speakers for the annual Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp by working with women-based professional or academic organizations and other minority-serving institutions such as HBCUs.
- Develop and focus annual fundraising efforts to cover travel costs for economically disadvantaged participants such as persons of color or women to participate in the Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp.
NIA Executive Director Judi Greenwald provided the following statement on the significance of being a Gender Champion in Nuclear Policy:
“We are thrilled to be part of this initiative and commit to more representation, diversity, and inclusivity in the nuclear energy community. We believe our pledges align with GNCP’s principles of actively including and investing in underrepresented voices.”
To read the more details about being Gender Champions in Nuclear Policy, please visit their website here: https://www.gcnuclearpolicy.org/
About NIA
The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) is a non-profit think-and-do-tank working to enable nuclear power as a global solution to mitigate climate change. Through policy analysis, research, and education, we are catalyzing the next era of nuclear energy. Our organization is funded primarily through charitable grants and philanthropic donations from climate-concerned individuals and organizations.