Washington D.C. The following statement may be attributed to Judi Greenwald, executive director of the Nuclear Innovation Alliance:
“Advanced nuclear energy has the potential to be a key source of firm clean energy to support the transition to a decarbonized energy system. But potential project developers and investors have been hesitant to announce specific early mover projects or to make significant funding commitments to them.
“Our new report identifies the key factors hindering further commitments, including the uncertainty in the ultimate project cost and the long and expensive project development process. It also outlines potential actions by private-sector actors, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and Congress to accelerate commitments to additional advanced nuclear energy projects by reducing and sharing risks facing early mover projects. We hope these conclusions will be useful to the broad range of organizations and entities considering deployment of advanced nuclear energy technologies. We have no time to waste in deploying advanced nuclear energy if we are to ensure we meet mid-century climate commitments.”
To view the full report, click here.
For media inquiries, please contact Ben Finzel at info@renewpr.com.
The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) is a non-profit think-and-do-tank working to enable nuclear power as a global solution to mitigate climate change. Through policy analysis, research, and education, we are catalyzing the next era of nuclear energy. Our organization is funded primarily through charitable grants and philanthropic donations from climate-concerned individuals and organizations.