Nuclear Innovation Alliance Begins New Leadership Search

January 15th, 2020

WASHINGTON – The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) today launches its search for a new Executive Director to lead its efforts in commercializing advanced nuclear technologies. As an independent not-for-profit organization, NIA's mission includes reducing and, if possible, eliminating barriers to advanced reactor deployment, enabling supportive policies, and coordinating efforts on federal policy and financing.

Report Examines Nuclear Energy Cooperation Between the U.S. and the Republic of Korea

November 12th, 2019

WASHINGTON – The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) today released a report U.S.-ROK Cooperation on Nuclear Energy to Address Climate Change. Global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, with a limited window to reduce them by mid-century. Both the United States and the Republic of Korea (ROK) remain dependent on traditional fossil fuel use for over 80% of their energy consumption. The two countries saw their carbon emissions rise in 2018, and neither country is on a trajectory to reduce emissions at a rate consistent with scientific assessments for what is necessary to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Nuclear Innovation Alliance Plans Leadership Transition

October 3rd, 2019

WASHINGTON – The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) will be launching a search for new leadership as founding executive director Ashley Finan takes on a new role. Finan will depart NIA to become the director of the National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC) at Idaho National Laboratory (INL).

“It has been a privilege, a thrill and a labor of love to lead the NIA in its establishment and initial growth,” Finan stated. “NIA facilitated the creation of programs like NRIC; but advanced reactor deployment will still require the organization’s important efforts to attract investment, improve regulatory processes and grow access to international markets.”

Report Calls for New Approach to U.S. Advanced Reactor Demonstration

May 20th, 2019
WASHINGTON – The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) today released a report Enabling Nuclear Innovation: In Search of a SpaceX for Nuclear Energy. Russia currently dominates the export market for new reactor builds (see figure), just as it did for commercial global launch services in 2010. To return the United States to a leadership role, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) should learn from the legacy of the NASA commercial orbital transportation services (COTS) program. This report reviews key features of that program, presents results of a survey of advanced nuclear energy companies, and recommends policy priorities that can support the demonstration of transformative nuclear energy technologies.

Congress Passes Nuclear Regulatory Modernization Bill

December 23rd, 2018
WASHINGTON – On December 21, Congress passed S.512, the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA). The bill includes fee reforms and modernization requirements that will enhance the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s capability to efficiently and thoroughly review advanced designs.