Washington D.C. The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) shared the following statement in response to Commission vote on SECY-21-0098, directing the NRC staff to publish the advanced nuclear reactor generic environmental impact statement (ANR GEIS) as a proposed rule for public comment. This statement may be attributed to NIA Executive Director Judi Greenwald:
"NIA applauds the Nuclear Regulatory Commissioners vote to publish the advanced nuclear reactor generic environmental impact statement (ANR GEIS) as a proposed rule for public comment. The ANR GEIS will enable applicants and staff to use generic staff findings on 100 of 121 environmental issues in the ANR GEIS generally applicable to advanced reactors as the basis for their project specific environmental reviews. This proposed rule would enable applicants, NRC staff, and the public to focus on project-specific environmental issues for future environmental reviews for advanced reactors. NRC staff estimate that the use of the ANR GEIS could reduce the costs of environmental reviews for new advanced reactors by between 20% and 45% depending on the project. The Commission's vote to codify ANR GEIS builds on agency best practices for environmental reviews and will enable the more effective, efficient, and predictable licensing of advanced reactors."
For media inquiries, please contact Ben Finzel at info@renewpr.com.
The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) is a non-profit think-and-do-tank working to enable nuclear power as a global solution to mitigate climate change. Through policy analysis, research, and education, we are catalyzing the next era of nuclear energy. Our organization is funded primarily through charitable grants and philanthropic donations from climate-concerned individuals and organizations.