WASHINGTON, D.C. Today the Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) released the second update to its Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology: A Company Compendium and third update to their Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology: A Primer. These updated reports provide information, resources and insights into advanced nuclear technology innovation and commercialization. They should serve as resources for investors, reporters, policymakers, regulators and others who want to learn more about advanced nuclear technologies and the key players building this industry. With increasing attention being paid to supporting the technologies required to meet mid-century climate goals, these resources should serve as helpful guides to understanding the basics of advanced nuclear energy technology and the companies involved in the design, licensing, construction, and operation of advanced nuclear reactors.
“So much is happening in the rapidly evolving advanced nuclear energy arena. We updated our Company Compendium and Primer again to provide investors, media, congressional and administration staff and others the key information they need”, explained NIA Executive Director Judi Greenwald. “The Company Compendium provides an introduction to the advanced reactor business ecosystem for potential investors and other key stakeholders while the Primer is intended as a “101” document that explains the characteristics of the most common advanced nuclear reactors and leading designs. Given the ongoing evolution of both the business side and the technology side of the advanced nuclear energy community, both documents will continue to be updated every year to reflect changes in the marketplace and advances in development and deployment.”
You may download a copy of the new Company Compendium here
You may download a copy of the updated Primer here